In a notable development from the Palghar Lok Sabha constituency in Maharashtra, the BJP candidate Dr. Hemant Vishnu Savara has emerged victorious. He defeated Bharti Bharat Kamadi, who was representing the Shiv Sena in this closely watched election.
Dr. Hemant Vishnu Savara’s win carries a legacy. He is the son of the late Vishnu Savara, a former BJP minister known for his work in tribal development. Vishnu Savara passed away in 2020, but his influence and work still resonate in the region, perhaps contributing to his son’s recent success.
The Palghar constituency has a history of political shifts and changes. The sitting Member of Parliament before this election was Rajendra Gavit. Gavit, initially a member of the Congress party, had switched to the BJP after the death of the then MP Chintaman Vanaga in 2018. This switch resulted in Gavit winning the by-election that followed. In an attempt to maintain a cooperative relationship with the Shiv Sena during the 2019 general elections, the BJP ceded the Palghar seat to the Shiv Sena, and Gavit was nominated by them.
However, the political landscape in Maharashtra saw a significant change in June 2023. Eknath Shinde, a prominent leader within the Shiv Sena, led a rebellion that resulted in a split within the party. Rajendra Gavit chose to side with Shinde in this split, leading to his exclusion in the current election, thereby paving the way for Dr. Hemant Vishnu Savara’s candidacy and subsequent win.
In this election, the BJP’s strategy included contesting 28 out of the 48 Lok Sabha seats available in Maharashtra. This marked an increase of five seats compared to their efforts in the 2019 general elections. The Shiv Sena, after the split, contested 15 seats. The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) contested four seats, while one seat was allocated to the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) ally, Rashtriya Samaj Paksha.
Dr. Hemant Vishnu Savara’s victory is seen as a significant win for the BJP in Maharashtra, especially considering the historical and political complexities of the Palghar constituency. The support and trust in the legacy of his late father, coupled with the current political alliances and shifts, played a crucial role in his triumph. This election result not only highlights the dynamic political landscape of Maharashtra but also sets the stage for the BJP’s strategy and influence in the region.