In a significant development, the mastermind of a massive ₹30 crore scam that revolved around promising modern homes with luxurious amenities but never delivering on those promises has been arrested in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The fugitive, known as Raju Sulire, had been on the run for more than five years, but his run came to an end thanks to the relentless efforts of the Mira-Bhayandar, Vasai-Virar police.
Raju Sulire, aged 54, was the mastermind behind a construction company named “M/s. Mandar Housing Pvt. Ltd.” established in Virar. This company, under the guise of providing modern homes with alluring features, defrauded hundreds of trusting customers, leaving them high and dry. When the promised possession dates elapsed without delivering the homes, the victims, desperate for their investments, were further manipulated into signing fake sale agreements and fabricated legal documents, ultimately leading them to lose a whopping ₹30 crore.
The victims, who were deceived into losing their hard-earned money, were tricked into registering fake sale deeds and submitting false documentation as part of a scheme to gain their trust. This fraudulent activity spanned over six years, starting in 2011, during which time they swindled ₹30 crore from around 150 customers.
The victims, realizing they had been deceived, filed complaints with the police, leading to a slew of criminal cases being registered against the alleged culprits in various police stations across Karnataka in May 2018. Following these complaints, the police initiated investigations, and arrests were made, including Avinash Dhole, Vipul Patil, Allauddin Sheikh, and Yusuf Kotwala. However, Raju Sulire managed to evade the authorities, becoming a fugitive.
The police had been on the hunt for Sulire since then, with an arrest warrant issued in his name. After receiving a tip about his whereabouts, a team from the Mira-Bhayandar, Vasai-Virar police set up an operation to apprehend him. This led to a high-profile arrest in Bengaluru, marking a significant breakthrough in the case.
The arrest of Raju Sulire is being hailed as one of the most prominent crackdowns on economic offenders in the Vasai region. The investigation into the financial misdeeds is now under the purview of the Economic Offenses Wing (EOW). Raju Sulire will be facing charges in a court of law for his involvement in the scam.
The mastermind’s capture was a culmination of intense efforts by the police team, led by Abhinash Ambure and assisted by the Deputy Commissioner of Police Amol Mandave. The dedicated team members, including Police Inspectors Pramod Badakh, Assistant Police Inspector Abhijit Taylor, Umesh Bhagwat, Police Constables Ashok Patil, Mukesh Tatkar, Sachin Ghare, Sagar Barvekar, Manoj Sakpal, and Ashwin Patil, worked tirelessly to bring Raju Sulire to justice.
This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and due diligence while investing in property or real estate ventures. It also emphasizes the crucial role law enforcement plays in ensuring justice is served. The arrest of Raju Sulire is a testament to the commitment of the police to protect the interests of the public and hold those responsible for financial fraud accountable for their actions.
With the alleged mastermind behind bars, the victims of the scam can finally see a ray of hope in recovering their hard-earned money. The legal proceedings will determine the fate of Raju Sulire and the others involved in this fraudulent scheme. In the meantime, the police continue to urge individuals to exercise caution when making significant financial investments and to report any suspicious activities to the authorities promptly.
In conclusion, the arrest of Raju Sulire marks a significant victory for law enforcement and the victims of this massive ₹30 crore scam. It sends a strong message that financial fraud and deceit will not go unpunished, and those responsible will be brought to justice. As the legal process unfolds, the affected individuals can look forward to a potential resolution to their long-standing ordeal. This case underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in all financial transactions and serves as a reminder that the law will catch up with those who engage in fraudulent activities, no matter how long it takes.